Letting Go of the Sentimental

March 4, 2018

Well, as I said in last week’s blog, this Avon lady is hitting the road in the near future. This last week I spent time letting go of a drawer full of sentimental cards and letters. How can I let go of the little cards and valentines and cute little notes and hand-drawn pictures my kids gave to me when they were little? Or how can I get rid of the beautiful card my mother wrote to me to tell me what a precious daughter I was to her–my mother who is now gone to heaven?

Well, I found a way. I’ve been scanning them into the computer. Yes, it takes time. But it can be done by devoting a few minutes a day to the task. I got it done in one week.

I made a folder called “cards” and made sub-categories of the people the cards were from like “kids”, “mom”, “dad” and so forth. It was fun re-reading all the wonderful things said to me on those special occasions. If you want a real boost to your self-esteem, try it!–but keep the tissues handy.

I kept a few cards that were really special that wouldn’t have scanned well. Was it hard to finally toss the others into the trash? Yes. But I know that in the long run, that’s where they will likely end up anyway. I’ve had fun remembering all the good times I received such beautiful cards and wishes from those I love most. Now they are stored much more permanently and I can retrieve them any time I want.

My youngest daughter’s Mother’s Day Card

In the next week, I’ll tackle the paper “mountains”.