International Water Lily Collection

San Angelo, Texas

If you ever go to San Angelo, Texas, be sure to see the International Water Lily Collection. The park is open to the public at no charge, and features blooming water lilies from April to October. One man, Kenneth Landon, founded the collection and has been growing, perfecting propagating techniques and hybridizing some of the most beautiful and unusual waterlilies in the world.

The garden has a large main “pond” and six smaller ponds with waterfalls and walkways between them. The lilies are grown in separate groups with signs showing their names.

Fairy Skirt (pink) and Elysee (white)

There are lilies of every color, like pink, purple, yellow and white.

Some have “fiery” centers. These were my favorites

Some float on the water, and others stand above the water.

Some have bright yellow-green leaves, and some have dark leaves.

Some lilies have leaves with colorful patterns.

Some have giant flowers and others have small flowers

Some lilies have ruffly leaves and others have flat leaves.

There are lilies with pointed petals, and others with rounded petals.

Can you see the dragonfly?

Several of the lilies had more than one color of blossom within one grouping.

It looks like two colors from the same stem. But really they are separate stems.

I was amazed at how bright the colors were on these lilies.

This lily below seems to be “on fire.”

Many of the lilies had such delicate colors.

Notice how the petals are light pink in the center and brighter on the outer edges on this next one.

These photos have not been enhanced. The color really is this bright.

In the one below, notice the outer leaves are green on the outside and pink on the inside.

The bees really loved the lilies.

My favorite lilies were the ones with the bright orange centers that looked like they were on fire, and the two-colored ones like the one below that looked like a candle glowing in the middle.

This was such a lovely place, I would love to go there again someday.

“Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.” Luke 12:27 NLT