Harlingen Arts and Heritage Museum, Texas

March 18, 2020

Harlingen Arts and Heritage Museum

Harlingen is a one of the many cities in the south part of Texas in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV). We explored this museum one afternoon. To my delight, in their rotating art exhibit, they were hosting quilt contest winners from The National Quilt Museum in the Oak Leaf and Reel Competition. We were given 3D glasses that turned the quilts into a unique display. There is a nice gift shop in this building also.

If you step outside into the courtyard, the museum has more buildings arranged in a circle displaying the heritage of the city of Harlingen. These included: the 1904 Lon C. Hill home (the first home built in Harlingen); Harlingen’s first hospital (1923-1925); a replica of the Paso Real Stagecoach Inn (originally built between 1850-1860); and the Historical Museum, which chronicles early Valley life and Texas History. (It was closed for renovations.)

Stagecoach Inn

The Stagecoach Inn housed the General Store and Post Office also.

  Courtyard showing the Stagecoach Inn

The General Store

Home of Harlingen’s Founder Lon C. Hill

Inside the home of Lon C. Hill, you will find many rooms of time period exhibits including antique glassware and dishes, dresses, period furniture and more. You might even see Mr. Hill lurking in the hallway.

   Inside home of Lon C. Hill

 South Texas is cotton country. This is a dress worn by the “Cotton Queen” of 1962.

This is the home office of Lon C. Hill, founder of Harlingen.

Mr. Hill lurks in the hallway.

Harlingen’s First Hospital

Categories: Texas Travel