Pacific Bonsai Museum

Tacoma, Washington

Japanese Maple

Tacoma, Washington, is the location of the Pacific Bonsai Museum. Bonsai means “planted in a container.” In reality, it is an art form of growing and shaping trees in containers which takes years of patient care and skill. Since we both spent time in Japan, we have always loved this art form, even trying it ourselves. (Without much success.) Our visit to the Bonsai museum brought back memories of our days in Japan.

Hinoki Cypress

A Bonsai can be a single tree or several trees. Multiple shoots from the roots of a single tree can become individual trees.


Although we think of Bonsai as a Japanese art, it originated in China many centuries before it became popular in Japan.

Hinoki cypress

Soil types and ratios are blended especially for these trees for optimal nutrition, moisture retention and aeration.

Mountain Hemlock

The Bonsai Museum is outdoors. There is a series of walled partitions which protect the plants and better display their forms.

In this one, the carved face in the pedestal is part of the art.

The trees are not all symmetrical. This adds to their beauty and uniqueness.

Before the bonsai is planted in its permanent container, it undergoes much pruning of its roots and branches to create the miniaturization of the tree.

The more twisted and gnarly the trunk, the more it makes the tree appear old. The oldest bonsai trees are over 800 years old.

This Bonsai is named “The Claw”

We enjoyed our stroll through the Bonsai Museum. If you are ever near Tacoma, Washington, be sure to visit this unique collection.

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.  Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.” John 15:1-2