Saguaro National Park

May 5, 2020

Tucson, AZ

During the pandemic, we looked for ways to get out of the house now and then. Saguaro National Park was just a few miles away from where we were staying, so we took a couple of trips there. The first day we went, it was overcast, but the wildflowers were in full bloom.  There is a nine mile drive through the park where you can stop along the way at the parking turnouts to take photos.

The second time we went, the main park drive was closed for repairs, but we found a trail that was open in another area of the park. The trail was a paved pathway. We only walked a short distance. I love the way the sun back-lighted some of the cacti.

You can see the start of blossoms on the far saguaros.

The saguaro blossom is the state wildflower of Arizona

Saguaro family

Barrel Cactus

Take a look at the fishhook needles on this one.

This large cholla cactus and the prickly pear cacti show the variety of cacti in the park.

I love how the rows of needles are lit by the sunlight.

There are different varieties of cholla (or jumping cactus) seen in this photo.

The yellow blooms of the palo verde tree on the right are just beginning to show.

Prickly Pear Cactus

The beautiful wildflowers were plentiful this day.

The long arms of an ocotillo cactus (on the right side of this photo) is beginning to bloom.

This saguaro has a funny face!

Close up of Saguaro needles

I hope you enjoyed our tour of Saguaro National Park. There are so many beautiful cacti in the park and so many beautiful mountain vistas. It’s really worth a visit, especially in the spring when the cacti and wild flowers are in bloom.

San Xavier Mission, Tucson AZ

April 17, 2020

The pandemic of 2020 was in full swing. We had all our future reservations canceled and were told to stay in place. But after weeks of being in lockdown, we needed to get out. We decided it would be safe to drive out to the beautiful San Xavier mission south of Tucson, Arizona, and at least take a look at the outside. I’m so glad we did.

This National Historic Lankmark was founded as a Catholic mission by Father Eusebio Kino in 1692. Construction of the current structure was begun in 1783 and completed in 1797. The interior is filled with original statuary and mural paintings. The church was closed because of the Covid-19 pandemic, however, the mission is still actively run by Franciscans today.

Palo Verde tree, saguaro cactus, prickly pear and yucca plant (in foreground).

 The grounds were beautiful with many cacti in bloom.

Blooming cholla cactus

Blooming prickly pear cactus

Blooming Barrel Cactus

Cane cholla cactus in bloom

Saguaro Cactus

Mission San Xavier

Categories: Airstream Travel, Arizona Travel, RV Travel Tags: AZ, cacti gardens, catcus blooms, cholla cactus, Full Time RVing, Mission San Xavier, Missions in Arizona, Places to see in Tucson, prickly pear cactus, RVing, saguaro cactus, San Xavier Mission, Southern Arizona places to see, Tucson, Tucson Historical sites, yucca cactus